1. Hi. First of all, my english its no so good, so, let me apologies about that...

    I really like to share with all the FANS like me, my girlfriend and more my Pics of the COVER from the Bootleg "Vertigo Buenos Aires".
    How can I upload my COVERS???
    Thank You so much and Im sorry about my...way to talk...

    See ya..
  2. Hola!! No te preocupes de tu ingles, te entendemos perfectamente!
    (Remy don't get angry, now here I go with eng.) Don't worry bou't your english, we understand you perfectly.
    You have to go to www.imageshack.us, and select the picture you want to upload with the box of "Browse" or "Examinar". Then click "Host" and, after 5 seconds aprox., you have the image uploaded. Five links appear, all have different meanings. You have to select this one:

    Then you copy and paste here, in the Forum. It's done
  3. Thank you so much...
    (Muchisima gracias...por cierto, de donde sos ??? ja...crei que la mayoria no hablaba castellano..)
  4. You're welcome!!
    I'm from Spain, friend! Soy español, encantado de conocerte!!
    If you want to speak in spanish, go to the forum Strange In A Strange Land, http://www.u2start.com/topics/14/
    Si quieres hablar español abre un post presentandote en español en el foro de arriba

    See you!