1. Hey, I invite those willing to play. The rules are simple - we provide any line from any U2 song (you can write the title, but it's not necessary) consisting of 6 - 8 words, and the next person must continue by providing a line that starts with the last word of the previous player's line. For example:

    1. "and when I go there, I go there with you" - 2. "you raising a flower of fire" and so on.

    These two lines are examples. Below is my proposal (let's try to end the lines in a way that each word can be continued - for example, the word "Vertigo" does not appear in any other U2 song, so the author of such a phrase will be asked to provide a different line to keep the game going).

    My suggestion: "...and every shipwrecked soul knows what it is..."

    We focus only on studio recordings, including B-sides, C-sides, and others like Salome or Spanish Eyes. Live tracks are not allowed.
  2. To Let it go and so to fade away
  3. For example:

    1. "and when I go there, I go there with you"
    2. "you raising a flower of fire" and so on.

    Try and give another verse ;-)