Originally posted by ingodscountry:Omg there was a multi-cam posted on youtube that was an absolute masterpiece and it was removed yesterday or the day before.
I was just stellar.
It had a few drone shots mixed in (which I loved, very dramatic), each song had a title, the editing and sound was just spectacular, and I'm crushed that it's gone.
I don't know who created it, but BRAVO to whoever did. I've signed up here and U2TORRENTS to see if it pops up. I absolutely need to see this again.
The only identifying marker beyond the mixing in of the drone shots and the extraordinary all-around sound and video quality is Bono sings "it's up to you New York" at the end of Until the End Of The World.
I would be undyinging grateful if anyone knows who made this or where it can be found.
Thanks all
If you copy or download this then please do not replace the credits with your own and claim its your work!!!... its a cheap and lazy way to do things and is not very creative.... U2 Legacy channel being the main culprit here, hence why I had to include a watermark logo, sorry for this...it should not distract you!..
Originally posted by ingodscountry:Wow thanks for the info!
I hoped I was in the right place to ask this question.
Looks like it's the vetri version I'm looking for. I should have grabbed it when it was on youtube, I meant to but there was too much going on with the holidays.
Even if it's a hodgepodge of different stuff I loved listening to it.
That explains why the performance & audio was so high quality if it was cherry-picked and matched with Sphere photography. I'll still be looking high and low for it, it was incredibly well done.
Thanks for the deep knowledge on this subject!
Originally posted by hoserama:[YouTube Video]
The hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is just hilarious with this dude.
(And the sound sucks for most of it from what I sampled)
Originally posted by shappers72:The ‘foamy’ one does have u2.com’s drone stuff in it, the audio is a mystery though, listening to streets made me wonder if the audio was even all sourced from ‘Sphere’ show recordings at times 🧐
Originally posted by justinpushplay:[..]
Yeah, the audio on that video is complete bullshit, it’s all old performances from over the last 30 years, the editing work is pretty decent, but completely takes out of it when you can hear 30 years of Bono‘s voice over the course of two songs
Originally posted by hoserama:[..]
Yet plenty of folks on YouTube singing praises for it! Ugh.
I had half a mind to take some of Verti's multicam, overdub it with some of my audio, toss up on Youtube and claim credit. But not worth the headache when plenty of other U2 projects to do.