1. It is very possible that someone buys that and then compares the audio with what is here and hears that it is similar or worse and is left like an idiot thinking that they have wasted their money or much worse that they have supported pirates. That you have bought nothing more than a package, with images that can easily be found on the web with better quality and audio that is not worth it.

  2. Same applies to the affiliate link posters on guitars101, making thousand per year from tapers for even less work than commercial bootleggers. Go after the guitars101'ers. I can personally guarantee anyone that their existence ensures that mountains of great recordings are never and will never be seen on the internet.
  3. Can I just chime in on this chat about professional bootleggers.
    Most of us started collecting copies of tapes in the 80s from fellow fans either by swapping one of ours for one of theirs or a very small fee was payed. All friendly and by today's standard, very innocent and amateur like.
    Have you asked yourself where all the money goes if you buy a professionally pressed bootleg CD or vinyl album?! Criminal gangs who put the money into drugs and/or human trafficking most likely.
    Just have a wee think about that before your next bootleg purchase, please!
  4. to not open the new thread,

    what is song during the zoo tv outside brodcast intermezzo before desire, saying '' television sets get the job done'' ?
  5. Originally posted by nicko:to not open the new thread,

    what is song during the zoo tv outside brodcast intermezzo before desire, saying '' television sets get the job done'' ?
    that was a track made by Emergency Broadcast Network (EBN) - they created lots of intermezzos for the tour