I d'like to know which is the good compromise right now to attend a show and film it . I mean, a material that will be allowed by security (compacts, hybrids or bridges I guess ? ), but will have a great 4k image quality (and supported spotlights good) , a great at least 20x zoom, and a good stabilizer . I'm still at the HD Era, with my old sony hx9v and hx50v .... but I absolutly don't know which good 4k material replaced those stuffs now ? With a price under 500€ if possible ...
Same question for eventual steadycams ?
thanx in advance !!
Not much has changed in compact cameras in recent years I also looked to update my Sony wx500 (basically same as hx90) … Sony has gone into RX100 series mk7 has 8x zoom and cost fortune … lumix tz200 might be cheaper not much too choose from
thanx, I was looking in all hi descriptions but couln't find the information : A good basis ! I think a steadicam could be usefull as the 4K format does'nt include stabilizer mode . thanx again !!