1. Thanks, didn't know there was a webcam!
  2. hey i'm in ireland. confused about the times. have i missed it?
  3. Originally posted by germcevoyhey i'm in ireland. confused about the times. have i missed it?

    It's in France at 0:30 after midnight, I guess Dublin is one hour after France so it must be 11:30 PM (23:30) then for you. It's starting in 90 minutes! U2 will be performing there according to the website.
  4. Hi, is somebody able to record this?????
  5. They preparing the stage
  6. Dallas is there, larry's technicans......
  7. Great!!!! but is there any sound?
  8. yes theres is sound. pretty clear. joe the herly is there
  9. I'm recording it! Should have a bootleg within the hour online.

    Only on U2start
  10. Originally posted by RemyI'm recording it! Should have a bootleg within the hour online.

    Only on U2start

    Cheers, for some reason I can't get sound
  11. Originally posted by Angel_or_Devil[..]

    Cheers, for some reason I can't get sound

    There is no sound, most of the time. Only when there's actually something to hear