1. hello there!first of all i just would like to say this is one of my favourite sites of all time!!!!!!thanks you all!!does anyone has the the pop mart´s tour concert of Portugal 11-9-1997,please,i really would like to have that one!!!!!!
  2. There's no recording of this gig circulating. Sorry, buddy.
  3. Originally posted by nunomoreira1hello there!first of all i just would like to say this is one of my favourite sites of all time!!!!!!thanks you all!!does anyone has the the pop mart´s tour concert of Portugal 11-9-1997,please,i really would like to have that one!!!!!!

    i'm sorry to say that show doesn't exist!!! u2 only came to portugal 2 times.....May 15, 1993 and August 14, 2005!! i'd wish to say they came here often....but they hadn't! there were rumours about them coming here during elevation tour... but it never happened! i heard it was cancelled or something like that..... i had just became a fan, so i wasn't as well informed as i am now....even though, they never came to portugal during pop tour!

    hope i helped.....

    greetings from portugal!!!
  4. hello there,they really came to portugal in 11-9-1997 of pop mar tour,search on google and you ll have the answers,i went to see the concert,i have the ticket with me,anyway,thanks to all and keep coming answears.
  5. the show realy exist ....i looked it up on this site http/:www.u2-vertigo-tour.com/ it'the first
    popmart show of the tour where they played desire .
    But there is no bootleg of it i think... because normely the covers stand also on the site .
    so we all keep on searching .
  6. I can tell you it does indeed exist. Do a search of the date on the Fanbase page.

    Maybe set up a trade from somewhere? Heaps of traders possibly could have it - and maybe even a good DVD of it, but I couldn't find it on the torrents site. Good luck.

    In fact, I would go to interference.com and see if anyone there has it. There's a few great uploaders there who might have something for you and will upload it, but it seems rare.
  7. Originally posted by nunomoreira1hello there,they really came to portugal in 11-9-1997 of pop mar tour,search on google and you ll have the answers,i went to see the concert,i have the ticket with me,anyway,thanks to all and keep coming answears.

    oops!!! you're right!!!!! they came here in 1997 and for festival Vilar de Mouros too in 1983 i guess.... sorry about that, but i was really convinced they only came here twice...... i should've known that!

    nevertheless, i'm happy they came here more often than i thought!!!! that's really great!!!! hope they'll come to portugal on their next tour..... just hope i'll be more lucky and get a ticket.... in 2005 i went home with nothing.... i went to algarve on the same day as the concert....and, passing by Lisbon i felt like i should have been there too.....

    but i'm sure i'll be lucky enough to get a ticket next time they come around!!!!
