1. If the picture had a better resolution it would be easier to find the words of a lyric...
    I've looked and looked and only found some alone words ("impossible", "song", "matter"...) ...
  2. Originally posted by LikeASongIf the picture had a better resolution it would be easier to find the words of a lyric...
    I've looked and looked and only found some alone words ("impossible", "song", "matter"...) ...

    They also sell a shirt with the same thing..
    the sirt has a small close up, but dosen't help much:


    thanx for trying
  3. [image]

    I think I'm gonna spend all the night to try to understand the words. I'm already Edge's-lithograph-addicted!!

  4. good luck!
  5. 'The Big Bang was of the perfect strength to cause the creation of the earth as we know it. Any stronger and the force of expansion would have made the formation of matter impossible, the energy of the big bang would have continued outwards in the form of Radio waves. Any less powerful and the pull back to the centre caused by gravity would have instantly sucked everything blown out back into the tiny pinpoint where it all started. That this occurred has made possible the formation of all matter, in the form of gas - the substance of all stars and all other substances liquids and solids. The threshold for the existence of matter is so tiny that the existence of the universe is either the greatest fluke imaginable or the inevitable result of some ultimate creative influence. Gravity is also a mysterious thing. There is not enough real matter to account for the apparent gravitational force that can be observed influencing x-rays as they travel through the universe, we have invented a theoretical material called dark matter, a substance that has all of the properties of normal stuff but is invisible, this dark matter is five times more common than normal visible matter.'

    It's also in the special edition of HTDAAB, which is where I read this from
  6. Originally posted by djrlewis'The Big Bang was of the perfect strength to cause the creation of the earth as we know it. Any stronger and the force of expansion would have made the formation of matter impossible, the energy of the big bang would have continued outwards in the form of Radio waves. Any less powerful and the pull back to the centre caused by gravity would have instantly sucked everything blown out back into the tiny pinpoint where it all started. That this occurred has made possible the formation of all matter, in the form of gas - the substance of all stars and all other substances liquids and solids. The threshold for the existence of matter is so tiny that the existence of the universe is either the greatest fluke imaginable or the inevitable result of some ultimate creative influence. Gravity is also a mysterious thing. There is not enough real matter to account for the apparent gravitational force that can be observed influencing x-rays as they travel through the universe, we have invented a theoretical material called dark matter, a substance that has all of the properties of normal stuff but is invisible, this dark matter is five times more common than normal visible matter.'

    It's also in the special edition of HTDAAB, which is where I read this from

    WOW!! Thanx!

    how hard is it to get an HTDAAB SE?
  7. Originally posted by djrlewis

    PS - Congrats on reaching Boy-Girl!!

    I didn't even notice myself!!
    now I'll have to make/find a new avatar

    EDIT: here is my new avatar

    some of the icons I took from:

  8. Originally posted by NoamTG[..]

    EDIT: here is my new avatar

    That new avatar is ... well, I just don't have the words...

    How do you make it rotate through the images like that?
  9. Originally posted by NoamTG[..]

    EDIT: here is my new avatar

    Nice one !
  10. Originally posted by djrlewis[..]

    That new avatar is ... well, I just don't have the words...

    How do you make it rotate through the images like that?


    I use a program called GIFmaker.
    It's very simple: upload regular non-moving icons, then you set the speed of the pics
    and ther you go, the pics are moving!
    its very simple!

    so basicly I made a few icons with the text and then uploaded them to the program

    heres a link to download if you want to:

    and if you need any help then just ask

    Originally posted by BelgianBono[..]

    Nice one !