1. 1983-05-07 - Albany, NY = 5 Stars?

    It is great that the bootleg is here and available. But the quality of it is muffled and in my humble view... hardly 5 stars. It is a bit misleading to one that might DL it thinking the recording to be far better than it is.

    Just my humble view. Sorry if that is offensive to anyone, that is not the intention. I merely wanted to point out that it 'sounds' more like 3-3.5 stars, not 5
  2. If it's a soundboard recording (even a crap one) it gets 5 starts. Theres plenty of Soundboards on here that could hardly clear 3 stars. Thats just the way it is
  3. Exactly, soundboards get 5 stars, regardless of how bad they are.

    This is gonna change on the new U2start, then any bootleg gets the rating of the listenable sound quality, and a seperated soundboard classification. And this topic will be closed, this kind of posts belong in this thread:
