1. Dear Administrators,

    I would like to know where I would put videos that I created which involve U2 in any way. If you could answer back, that would be great.

    Recliner Man
  2. The "I Have A Vision" forum. It's not that hard, there are forum descriptions of every forum on the forums main page
  3. It's not really that simple. See, these are not films of shows... these are short films (expressions) that I made that involve U2 songs, videos or both.
  4. Originally posted by ReclinerManIt's not really that simple. See, these are not films of shows... these are short films (expressions) that I made that involve U2 songs, videos or both.

    Just put it into the I Have A Vision forum, if it doesn't fit there I'll move it somewhere else.
  5. Maybe you can go to "Videos" and then add a video there...
    Remy watches it and he can accept it or refuse it... That's the way i do it...