1. Chicago 7 was awesome
  2. Originally posted by ELIZIUM:[..]
    If I listed all the horror films I have seen then it would take an age. Absolutely loved the genre when I was young and the love has stayed.

    Here in the UK we would have triple bill matinees on a Saturday night when I was teenager. And again on Sunday nights with something called Moviedrome. Great days and many of these broadcasts I still have here all on VHS tape.

    My friend Ben lived in a house that we nicknamed Amityville because of the way it looked. He had the top floor and many years of viewing horror films took place there.

    I have a special love of all the old black and white horror films from the 30's, 40's and 50's. And of course the classics I previously listed. However I really cannot sit through these lame slasher/bloodfest/gore type rubbish films that seems to seep through year after year after year.

    My friend Lyndon (he was in the Spanish band The Sunday Drivers, check them out) and I are massive horror fans and have done similar to what you do with your friends. I think between us we have quite the collection of horror soundtracks on vinyl.

    I would be interested in any recommendations you may have of horror films made since 2000 onward. I may have missed some real good ones and know I should not paint the contemporary movies all with the same aforementioned disdain.
    I will specifically put together a list of post-2000 favorites and share it soon!
  3. Carrie is a classic!
    Originally posted by ELIZIUM:[..]
    I do similar with all my collection of original horror filmscores in the lead up to Halloween.
    Big horror fan here (but not of those slasher/gore nonsense films of the millennials, absolute rubbish and garbage). Give me all the old black & whites any day and some old cult classics..

    Out of your list... Most certainly these...

    House on Haunted Hill (1959)
    Nosferatu the Vampyre (1978) (Herzog at his best here, let alone Kinski)
    Near Dark (1987)

    Why not add these to your list if you have time...

    Carnival Of Souls (an absolute classic)
    The Omen (Original)
    Salems Lot (Original & Remake)
    The Amityville Horror
    The Fog (Original)
    Halloween (bit obvious really)
    Don't Look Now
    The Shining
    Dark Shadows
    Sleepy Hollow
    The Nightmare Before Christmas
    Corpse Bride
    Let The Right One In
    Interview With The Vampire
    A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night
    The Wicker Man (Original)
    Les Yeux Sans Visage (Eyes Without A Face)
    The Devil Rides Out
    An American Werewolf In London
    Night Of The Living Dead
    The Haunting
    Dracula (Original)
    Dracula (Coppola)
    Taste The Blood Of Dracula
    Night Of The Living Dead
    The Howling
    Dog Soldiers
    The Wolfman
    From Dusk To Dawn
    The Lost Boys
    From Hell
    The Curse Of The Werewolf
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Rosemary's Baby
    Last House On The Left
    The Old Dark House
    The Cabinet Of Dr. Calgari
    Les Diaboliques
    The Ninth Gate
    30 Days Of Night
    The Devils
    Peeping Tom
    No Way To Treat A Lady (Rod Steiger at his very best here!)
    Jacob's Ladder
    Bride Of Frankenstein
    The Evil Dead

    And of course the usual suspect... The Exorcist

    Enough to keep you going until next Halloween!!
  4. Thank you. It would be good to see something other than the gore/slasher type films I seem to see flood the cinema. The psychological horror movies are the best type.
  5. Right off the bat I could tell you that you might like the movie Triangle (2009), which is best seen without any knowledge going in.

    Essentially, characters out at sea begin to fear they are trapped in the Bermuda Triangle as peculiar things happen on their rescue ship.

    Without question the first post-2000 horror movie to pop into my head, and its got a fantastic psychological element to it, too.
  6. I think I shall have to dig that one out amongst others for Halloween.
    This year it will be just me watching them as here in South Wales we are in lockdown again and usually there would be a few of us all gathered. Not this year though. Maybe it will have to be a Zoom Halloween Lockdown Gathering instead.
  7. Originally posted by MattG:Right off the bat I could tell you that you might like the movie Triangle (2009), which is best seen without any knowledge going in.

    Essentially, characters out at sea begin to fear they are trapped in the Bermuda Triangle as peculiar things happen on their rescue ship.

    Without question the first post-2000 horror movie to pop into my head, and its got a fantastic psychological element to it, too.
    Now this does sound good.
    I will not look up anything about it and will try and track it down.
    Thank you for the suggestions. They are welcomed as I have exhausted the usual avenues of golden oldies.
  8. Then I am even more sure you'll love it. While seeing it for the first time, my jaw continued to drop because I couldn't believe I was having such a fresh experience with a thriller. I ended up purchasing the movie for $8 or so on iTunes because I re-watch it so much.

    Report back!

  9. The Maltese Falcon
  10. Originally posted by MattG:Then I am even more sure you'll love it. While seeing it for the first time, my jaw continued to drop because I couldn't believe I was having such a fresh experience with a thriller. I ended up purchasing the movie for $8 or so on iTunes because I re-watch it so much.

    Report back!
    This is very encouraging to read.
    I will certainly look forward to any other recommendations too.