1. Originally posted by germcevoy[..]

    i've always thought the quality of this boot was a little crapper than it should be. The DVD audio is much better. Some of the quality hase been lost on the version posted here

    There seems to be a little hiss during some of the tracks.
  2. Originally posted by germcevoy[..]

    you'l soon get bored and broaden your horizons

    yep, it's coming....it came tonight!
  3. Originally posted by paolom3[..]

    yep, it's coming....it came tonight!

    what are you going to listen to now then?
  4. i listened to one of the early Vtour shows from San Jose. I don't remember which exactly
  5. Originally posted by paolom3i listened to one of the early Vtour shows from San Jose. I don't remember which exactly
    It has to be San Jose 2005-04-10. Awesome