1. Originally posted by SJKamal:Dammit I was hoping this thread was just going to be WelshEdge being the only one posting in it saying "Happy birthday Larry!" for the next 10 years or so.
    Hey look above his 2019 post
  2. Happy 60th Larry! Thanks for forming U2 and for getting me into playing the drums.
  3. Happy birthday Larry!
  4. Happy B day Larry
  5. Happy Birthday Larry. Say Goodbye to your 50's U2.
  6. Happy Birthday old man

  7. Happy birthday!

  8. Some of the long term members on here will recall i named my new born son Larry back in the day …. Well … just to make you all feel old …. Larry turned 13 today ☺️
  9. Originally posted by gerryhickey:[image]
    Some of the long term members on here will recall i named my new born son Larry back in the day …. Well … just to make you all feel old …. Larry turned 13 today ☺️
    Not cool Gerry. Strapping young lad. Enjoy the celebrations.

  10. Happy birthday!
  11. Originally posted by gerryhickey:[image]
    Some of the long term members on here will recall i named my new born son Larry back in the day …. Well … just to make you all feel old …. Larry turned 13 today ☺️