1. Please can we open this topic back up Mister SYSOP? x
  2. Hey!
    Are we open now??? x

  3. I checked all of mine
    but this is the only secret msg I can find?


    What is with your name love???
  4. Originally posted by drewhiggins:Maybe it's something to do with these:

    * Who was Mercy, Original of the Species and Ultra Violet related to?
    * Someone related to a U2 member is diabetic or was on a diet in 2004.
    * Bono went shopping at his local convenience store and couldn't find any sugar for his coffee.
    * A bowl of sugar was stolen along with the HTDAAB CD from that function they were at.
    * Larry couldn't make up his mind between brown and white sugar for his coffee.

    If you ever read the Did You Know quotes on the U2start homepage, it says during the Achtung Baby recording sessions, Bono used to let his frustration with mistakes be known and as a result, is banned from drinking coffee. Now, if like myself, he enjoys sugar with his coffee and everything else you can put it on, he misses sugar - because I know if I can't put four tablespoons of sugar in everything and I was a successful recording artist, I'd Miss You Sugar, as well.

    Although I did like this theory (very technical but amazing):


    I noticed this too - Matrix A releases must have the message where Matrix B releases don't.

    Canadian Matrix A: L387 0249867829 MISS YOU SUGAR #41005Y14
    Canadian Matrix B: L387 02498681802 Made in Canada #41001Y09

    USA Matrix A: B00 036 1302R2 01% MISS YOU SUGAR
    USA Matrix B: INTR112369RE1 DIN

    UK Matrix A: MISS YOU SUGAR 06024 986 782-8 01 * 51529648
    UK Matrix B: 06024 986 817-4 50 01 * 51525089

    Bloody Hell!

    You can pick my lottery numbers for me anytime sweet!
  5. Ah rubymoon....
  6. Expresive as usual, Ruby.