Originally posted by germcevoy1989-12-16 - Point Depot.
Tony O' Reily
Michael Smurfy?
Barry Mc Guigan
Originally posted by germcevoy1989-12-16 - Point Depot.
Tony O' Reily
Michael Smurfy?
Barry Mc Guigan
Originally posted by WojBhoy[..]
Those names yeah...perhaps it is that one. The only misleading is that the cover I've seen has the Fly on the cover...
Originally posted by Ali709[..]
and once again he means the 26th
Originally posted by Ali709[..]
Well, Gloria wasn't performed after Lovetown till Vertigo...so, you couldn't go wrong (it doesn't sound like the 2005 bono )
"Barry McGuian on the drums ladies and gentelmen!"...wth was Bono smoking that day?!
Originally posted by Ali709[..]
Well, Gloria wasn't performed after Lovetown till Vertigo...so, you couldn't go wrong (it doesn't sound like the 2005 bono )
"Barry McGuian on the drums ladies and gentelmen!"...wth was Bono smoking that day?!
Originally posted by WojBhoy[..]
lol fair enough Ali, I think you've wrapped this topic up lol
I have a few other live tracks where it's a case of origins unknown lol...
Originally posted by Ali709[..]
Well, ask them here in this topic...gerard will answer and I'll correct
Originally posted by WojBhoy[..]
lol, when I return later I will assuming you guys are still about if not I'll just leave 'em for people to ponder...