1. just watched
  2. 20 years ago!

  3. I even wrote out the setlists each night when I got back to the hotel... no moaning about lack of rotation back then.
  4. Great. Now I'll own all the albums on Vinyl.
  5. Very happy about the vinyl reissues. This is my favourite U2 album so i'm excited that i'll be able to finally have it on vinyl!
  6. I wish they'd release a "baby" Pop album along the lines of Achtung Baby.... that is a dream, along with hoping for more Pop representation in the new tour. Hell, I'd be happy if they just played tunes from Pop onward
  7. Wow, identical in every single song, except the final excerpt/snippet after One. Lame lame lame One of the reasons why the Popmart Tour is one of my least favorites!
  8. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Wow, identical in every single song, except the final excerpt/snippet after One. Lame lame lame One of the reasons why the Popmart Tour is one of my least favorites!
    And Edge’s karaoke?
  9. Edge's Karaoke >>>> e-stage with fan onstage and Meerkat nonsense