1. 1. How long are you a fan of U2? What kind of fan are you? (normal one, extreme one, obsessive one etc.)
    since '04 when my uncle introduced me to them and played me HTDAAB. I'd say an extreme fan, in that I own all their albums and they're easily in my top five bands ever.

    2. Did something change in your preferences to U2 this year? Maybe another favorite band member or another favorite song, tour or album? Tell us!

    I got Achtung Baby for Christmas '07, and that cemented them as a staple of my admiration and listening for the whole of '08.

    3. Did you spend more or less time listening to U2 than last year?

    I'd say yes, definately.

    4. Do you own more bootlegs than last year? Can you point out the one you've listened the most this year, and why?

    I'm not a massive bootleg collector, but I have a few, though I can't name them off the top of my head.

    5. Do you have any new U2 stuff like posters, vinyl albums or DVD's? If so, what's new?

    I have a lot of my dad's U2 vinyl. ts'all good.

    7. Which U2 song did you listen the most this year? Is it still the same as last year? If you don't know, guess it or fill in your favorite song this year.

    at a guess, Ultraviolet. just coz it's my favourite.

    8. Which U2 album did you listen the most this year? Is it still the same as last year? If you don't know, guess it or fill in your favorite album this year.

    AB, coz it's blatantly the best.

    9. Regarding U2start, what was your U2008 year like? Did you visit us a lot? Did we were active enough this year? Any recommendations for next year?

    my first year, and I enjoyed it.

    10. Can you shortly describe your U2008? Anything related to U2 this year, any special things happened? Please finish with a score from 1 to 10 to rate your U2008, where 10 is the highest score.

    8, maybe. I didn't do as much listening of U2 as I'd like to on account of discovery of other bands, and I didn't see them live.

    11. U2009 will be the year of No Line On The Horizon and probably a new tour. What do you expect of this year personally and U2-related?

    I wanna see them live at least once, and pick up a copy (or two) of the new album.