1. I don't mind if it doesn't, it's your opinion.

    So what do most people think then?

  2. Good Lord, my dogs are less persistent than you. If you must validate your opinion with those of others, then please do so in the dedicated SuC topic.
  3. Originally posted by djrlewis:[..]

    Good Lord, my dogs are less persistent than you. If you must validate your opinion with those of others, then please do so in the dedicated SuC topic.

    Ok fine, I'll do that later
  4. Originally posted by djrlewis:[..]

    Good Lord, my dogs are less persistent than you. If you must validate your opinion with those of others, then please do so in the dedicated SuC topic.

    lol indeed

    Dont like SUC a lot, but cant say that the last part is ruining it for me...its just part of the whole song...
  5. Originally posted by vanquish:[..]

    Well it seems your opinions always conveniently contradict my own....

    I'm sure we can get a consensus here that the ending of SUC spoils the song.
    What do people think?

    Opinions of other people do often contradict your own - it's why they're opinions, and it's what makes life interesting.

    Why do you need a consensus about this? Just be satisfied with what you think. I don't think it spoils it, it's just not quite as good as the rest of it. And that is my opinion.
  6. No Line : 9/10 great never tired of it live or album.

    Magnificent 7/10 - Too long. The intro is fine and works live, but the lyrics are far too serious for such a techno intro.

    Moment : 10/10 the album version is something special. Maybe the best since Please in my opinion. Live is great as well, ever version seems to hit lift off half way through the song and then just explodes after Edge's mini solo.

    UC : 7 / 10 the idea of the song is something i understand but do not like the execution, the chorus totally kills it. (Even though some claim its a great song live)

    Crazy Tonight : 6/10 the perfect summer song that failed to chart in the summer.

    Get on Your Boots : 8/10 This song succeeds live and especially early in the set from what i have seen. People love the riff and have a good ole time during the 'Let me in the sound' part.

    SUC: 5/10 I can't believe how much i loved this song before, its almost like a joke now. the lyrics are so bad. I remember hearing a bad-ass version of the guitar and beat during the u2.com clips? Where did that go?

    Fez/Being Born : 8.5/10 - this songs comes and goes for me. Its very mysterious and works great as an album song. I dont think the setlist is missing it.

    White as Snow : 7.5/10 i forget about this song for huge chunks at a time but when i listen to it i instantly appreciate it. Not boring!

    Breathe 8.5/10 too long. even though i cant think of much to cut out it seems to drag and doesnt cut it first. It dies after the first chorus and then comes back during edges solo. Good song, a little long and loses people (and my interest) more times than it should.

    Cedars 10/10 Mysterious, powerful, never lets go of my attention. A classic that doesn't need to be played live in order to prove its worth.

  7. I shall get very cranky if anything I write stops you from writing anything. Your song analyses have always been brilliant. Don't make me come over there and smack you.
  8. Originally posted by sonia_lastrega:[..]

    I shall get very cranky if anything I write stops you from writing anything. Your song analyses have always been brilliant. Don't make me come over there and smack you.

    No worries, only anything I write stops me from writing anything. And thank you, that was very kind of you to say.
  9. I always like NLOTH when I listen to it, but when I think about the album, I start to dislike it. Don't know why.
  10. Originally posted by gwiz:I always like NLOTH when I listen to it, but when I think about the album, I start to dislike it. Don't know why.
