1. Firstly, I've heard it all too.

    Secondly, yuri is SO right. Wow.

    Thirdly, but most importantly, Hello Kat!!!
  2. My name is Matt, so we rhyme.
  3. Welcome to the forum from a 19-y.old spanish guy who has also listened to U2 before he was born

  4. Welcome! It's fantastic to have young people around, shows that there is still hope, I'm 22, not too old, but it's great to see teenagers interested in U2.

    Actually, Juraj, I believe the not-fans have no idea about Macphisto. It's even worse for teenagers as they weren't around in those years to hear about it...all they know of U2 is Bono's vertigo look and his speeches about the one campaign! I bet if they saw Mr. Macphisto's nipple on the Sydney DVD they would think differently
  5. Originally posted by Hache:Hi Kat

    I think I've heard that A LOT. Someone falls in love with the band when they hear them live. And it's only logical 'cause they sound amazingly good on stage!!


    I'm 35. I think that hurt a little...


    Feel my pain at *ahem* some years older than you.

    Welcome to the party, Kat. I'm sure you'll have fun here.

  6. I'm actually curious as to how you did that prenatally....just kidding. I know what you mean.

    And I'm sorry to have poked any sore spots with the age issue, I suppose it'll be the same for me when I'm your ages.

    Yeah, Matt + Kat, haha

    And you guys are right; I'll have to google Macphisto. ...

  7. A warm Welcome from a wet cold misty holland
  8. Ah even I know who MacPhisto was/is
  9. Welcome welcome