1. Hi, I don't want to hear why I should keep my account, or that I will regret it. I came here to get a show that my brother and his wife went to on their first date, and I have not used it since.

    I do not like having any information tied to me that I don't want.

    If you cannot tell me how to delete it, could someone please point me in the direction of a site mod, who would be able to assist?

    Thank you.
  2. So basically you joined a community, abused it to download a show, take 201 days to actually take part of this community by saying bye?

    We have nearly 40 000 members, nobody would have noticed you if you stayed quiet

    You can remove unwanted information at http://www.u2start.com/user/details/ though.
  3. boo
  4. Originally posted by Risto:So basically you joined a community, abused it to download a show, take 201 days to actually take part of this community by saying bye?

    I thought that was the purpose of this site?
  5. True, but you gotta love some drama Still a shame that people think see bootlegs as a right and have the guts to post something like this as a first post. But that is probably an issue of my own.

    Anyway, we cant delete accounts. Dead accounts just fade away. He can just replace his email address on the link i a gave him and the only thing we know about him is his username, the fact that he has downloaded a bootleg and the fact he did actually post on the forum.
  6. Originally posted by Risto:So basically you joined a community, abused it to download a show, take 201 days to actually take part of this community by saying bye?

    We have nearly 40 000 members, nobody would have noticed you if you stayed quiet

    You can remove unwanted information at http://www.u2start.com/user/details/ though.

    Uhm, the show I downloaded was horrible quality and they never even ended up using it for the wedding. And for the record I don't even like U2 -- I just fucking did it for my brother.

    Besides, if you have 40k members, who the hell cares if one person who downloaded ONE shitty show wants to leave.

    Every forum posting I have seen where someone wants to delete their account has a long list of douchebags acting like holier-than-thou assholes acting like its weird that someone would come onto a bootleg site, download stuff, and then want to leave! OMG! THATS CRAZY TALK!
  7. I dont care, thats why i dont want to go through dozens of tables to remove your userid which is by the way 33744 (nothing more than a number).

    All we know is your name and email address, change that on the user details page and you are good to go. You dont need a site mod for that.

    Dont even get me started on the horrible quality We dont do refunds.

    Originally posted by anstratdubh1979:Odd post. I always find it interesting when someone goes on a forum to announce they are leaving. This guy didn't do it in anger or whatever... but I've seen a few over time... Especially in the old days on Wire (ack!!!)...

    Why would one feel the need to go on a sight, in anger, to announce they were leaving and why? Seems a bit self-serving and sad.

    Oh well.