1. Had a feeling, you're the only one who uses wanker around here
  2. Bono uses it too. Speciphically directed to Chris Martin
  3. Torrent Tracker code revision has been uploaded. Some clients were not behaving according to specs, these will get an error message.

    And of course some of my own cock ups were also fixed in this release.
  4. Placed torrent comments on the OVERVIEW tab of a torrent. Added user avatars. Comments are sorted on DECENDING post time. Latest comments are on top

    We will see how this works out. Sure we will change things around a bit more to make it more usable

    EDIT: Kieran, we havent forgot your suggestion. Just a lack of time from our side !
  5. Small additions:

    * Torrents you already downloaded have lighter text color in the torrent listings on /torrent/ . Also on the detail page of a torrent you see clearly if you have downloaded the torrent.

    * Usernames in torrent listing are clickable

    * Per torrent 'Traffic' statistic added on the torrent detail page.

    * Active sessions / Uploaded torrents of a user are visible on their profile pages
  6. Also added the number of comments to the TorrentListing. Not sure in which column to place it. Might change soon!
  7. We are currently testing our new (more efficient) tracker software. Currently it is only supported by recent utorrent and recent libtorrent clients. Dont worry though the old tracker will be used as fall back, so there wont change much for you guys.

    However we may temporarily disable the old tracker on high traffic peaks, for example when the new tour gets underway.

    As we did with live topics, we made some of our code open source:
  8. you're always the best in tending to improve yourselves better and better