1. Best version of Mercy Sreets accord me

    all of this songs are on P.O.V DVD

  2. Back in 2008 The Edge reached out the Human rights award to peter gabriel
  3. Great to see such idols together, but ooohhh how I dislike the acoustic guitars with Strat necks! Urrrgghhh
  4. Anyone got some PG bootlegs they could share? (Preferably 1980-1993)

    Ones I am specifically looking for:

    -Spectrum 1987
    -Conspiracy of Hope 1986
    -Any other So Tour SBD
  5. i presume you're referring to the philadelphia spectrum that's also available as a pro-shot dvd? you could try guitars101 video bootleg section but i can't promise i didn't get my copy online.
  6. Originally posted by ade:i presume you're referring to the philadelphia spectrum that's also available as a pro-shot dvd? you could try guitars101 video bootleg section but i can't promise i didn't get my copy online.

    No the audio from that show
  7. I love PG, but don't want to pay this amount of money. I'll watch the bluray later 😉
  8. Originally posted by U2nick88:[..]
    Saw him on the last tour in London must of been around 8 years ago, decent seats were £50. Same seats on this tour are £196.
    How was his voice then? I’d love to see him, but 9 years away and being older, not sure if he will have much left.