1. =============================================================================
    Attention: This is a post on usenet, for more information on usenet and on how-to-download from it:

    Newsgroup: alt.binaries.hdtv
    Filename: U2_RATTLE_AND_HUM
    Rars: 81
    Pars: unknown
    NZB File: http://www.nzbindex.nl/nzb.php?nzb_files=1680118&searchitem=U2
    Posted: March 3


    "Yes, I am a U2 fan, but no, I just cannot warm to ''Rattle and Hum.'' Despite a few blistering concert sequences, the film lacks narrative drive and ultimately amounts to much sound and fury, signifying nothing. Alas, this HD DVD is also quite weak. The first (and last) Paramount title to utilize the controversial MPEG4 compression codec, it is ample proof that in the future, VC1 is instead the way to go. While the soundtrack is more satisfying than the poor picture quality, it is not enough to offset the dearth of extras and overall lack of value for money. This one is a tough sell even for the most passionate of U2 fans. "