1. No shortage of this ep in Dublin.
  2. Is there any rsd shop in the UK that is selling this online? Desperately want this but there a no participating stores near me

  3. Wish me luck!
  4. Hilversum Holland sold out ☹️, black-out was still in the shop.
  5. Just shows the power of their early work as opposed to new material, NYD live is a major selling factor for this release. I know Blackout Ltd edition sold out quickly but that was mainly down to resale value loads popped up on Ebay almost immediately after it went on sale
  6. where did you purchase this?
  7. I really like the "Love is all we have left" remix
  8. Copy obtained in Southeastern PA - the store I went to had 5 copies, and I was fortunate enough to get the second. $26.99 here; the other location had it for a dollar cheaper.