1. Hello all!

    This has been shared in the Technology topic earlier, but now the app has matured so I guess an official announcement is appropriate. The crew would like to announce our first mobile app, targetting Windows Phone handsets.

    So what can you do with this app:

    * View and reply to topics active on the forums
    * Read and sent Private Messages
    * View the latest photos uploaded to our photo section
    * View the latest headlines from u2gigs, @u2, u2.com, etc
    * View lyrics of all songs in our Song section
    * Receive notifications when you get a new PM

    Obviously the app doesnt offer the whole spectrum of features we have on the site, but its quite handy. And we will of course bring more features to the app from time to time.

    If you are interested you can get it as we speak from the Marketplace. Just click here or search on your phone for U2Start and you'll be running it the next minute.

    We know that Android and iOS apps would be more appreciated. These are under consideration, but we kinda need to learn to program for those devices

    Btw reviews are appreciated!
  2. Nice
  3. This will look impressive on my Lumia (whenever I get it lol) Thanks for developing this
  4. Looks great

    I like how the screenshot is of a non-related-to U2 topic Hope you'll be sharing the download statistics in the future. I hope some users find it useful. I wish I had a WP7 device so I can have it
  5. Well its not the most popular marketplace app I blame you all!
  6. BTW If someone is interested to design some artwork for this and upcoming u2start app, please let me know!
  7. What kind of artwork are we talking?
  8. Icons for forum buttons, discography and the whole design of the app
  9. Got the app to receive Live messages, so LiveTopics is not far away on the wp7 app. Android should be able to support it as well.
  10. Originally posted by Risto:Got the app to receive Live messages, so LiveTopics is not far away on the wp7 app. Android should be able to support it as well.

    Looking good, looking forward
  11. You know how you get a notification for PM's in the WP7 app, could this be further applied to topics that we are subscribed to? Obviously without it being too obtrusive, we don't want it vibrating each time a reply is posted, so maybe something like:

    Notification - "New messages in topic"

    Then if possible, check that this notification is already active when the next message is posted? So it will notify upon the first new message, then if the user ignores that but leaves it active in the notification bar, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th new messages aren't pushed through as a notiification. They just back up in the one notification.

    Facebook does something similar on Android, it will notify for a message, then after that they back up as "4 new messages" for example.