1. Nothing! Why? 'Cause I'm saving up $$$ for my future first live show seeing them ... (y'know, once they hurry up and release thier studio album first already )...

    ..but I can wait!
  2. - ebay....$400 - 500 - highlights included 7" - OOC & IWF Orange vinyl, A cellebration-dutch 7"... and 2 uktm's (IWF and ADWM)

    -local record shop $300-400... 7" OOC red/black pressing $25, germany '40', $40.00, dutch 'gloria' $150.00, 20 or so different editions of albums all CDN releases $125.00

    -subscription. $75
    ... overall...about $800-$1000.00, not bad considering no album or tour..
  3. Nothing, the only thing im proud to buy at the release time is DVDs. well, no dvds since 2011(sky down NO!)