1. For me, the most improved song when played live:

    Well done guys
  2. Agree! Sounds great on Denver2, power and the right speed
  3. I still need to hear the new intro in Denver. Will do that right away.
  4. The Miracle has become what it needed to be yeah.
  5. That's how they played it tonight! It was an AWESOME opener and you guys are right, that song has fully become an awesome U2 song and opener.
  6. Meanwhile, 9 (Nine) months ago...
    Originally posted by Ali709:Have you imagined this song as a live opener? All dark, suddenly Edge starts the intro chant and the heavy guitar - they could make the intro guitar + drums longer....god, I need a tour

  7. I find really interesting how people see different things on the same event, but obviously that's why it's impossible to please everyone

    Too bad that you're on the "not enjoying it" group this time, the good news is that since it's the first song, at least is easier to skip it and enjoy the rest of the show!


    The new intro also sounds good, I'm still unsure which sounds better though...
  8. If this song has no energy then there's no pleasing you

  9. Hahaha had forgotten about this, yep, I'm glad they did it this way! Wanna hear some more predictions??
  10. hha yes give us more !