1. Nexus 6 user here! Can't imagine myself getting a smaller phone now.. Really love the size!
  2. No no no. 5 inches max, 4'5 perfect.

    (for phones, that is)
  3. Largest phone I've had is the 4.3" HD2 and that felt perfect.
  4. That would have been a while ago now thought. It would probably feel like a toy now. The size of this iPhone is manageable but it's shape makes it awkward. The flat back mixed with the ridiculous thinness and skippy metal are a recipe for a disaster. Furiously researching cases.
  5. I have a Nexus 5, which I'm pretty sure is riddled with minor software issues, and that's the maximum size I think I could go. Any bigger and it would look pathetic in my skinny jeans.
  6. Originally posted by germcevoy:[..]
    That would have been a while ago now thought. It would probably feel like a toy now. The size of this iPhone is manageable but it's shape makes it awkward. The flat back mixed with the ridiculous thinness and skippy metal are a recipe for a disaster. Furiously researching cases.
    Yeah, it's an age ago. I had a Samsung Galaxy SII after that which I believe was the same size. Now I'm down to 4" and it's feeling quite small. I think the 4.7" iPhone will be a shock to begin with, but I'll soon get used to it.
  7. Samsung S6 user, 5 inch is a sweet spot for me but find 5.5 manageable.
  8. Phones in the last year:

    > Sony Xperia Z1
    > Google/Motorola Nexus 6
    > Sony Xperia Z3 (x2)
    > iPhone 6 Plus
    > Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+

    Thinking about the Nexus 6P when it arrives.

    Once you get used to bigger phones, going back is the most miserable experience.
  9. Bought the £39 official leather case. I hate myself.