1. Queuing for an U2 concert boring? Not at all, you can share your thoughts in the forums from anywhere in the world now. Because starting today, U2start mobile is a fact. You can now access U2start from your iPhone, PDA or from the many other supported devices. You can even access it from your PC if you prefer a light-weight version of the site.

    Main features of U2start mobile:
    - Headlines, streaming videos, songs and lyrics, forums, You Too, quotes and facts available.
    - You can log in with your own account for customized headlines and forum use. You can even use private messaging.
    - On your iPhone, streaming videos will automatically be opened in Youtube player.
    - Also on your iPhone, you can add the website to your springboard with a cool icon (see below).
    - All remote links (like headlines) are automatically transformed to a mobile web page through Google.

    Some screenshots:

    More screenshots (also taken from Windows Mobile) along with instructions on how to add a beautiful U2start icon to your iPhone springboard can be found on our mobile information page:

    U2start mobile itself can be accessed through http://m.u2start.com.

  2. Damn, I wish I had an iPhone...this sounds so cool Remy, you're awesome, seriously
  3. this is beyond amazing you rock, Remy, hands down

    now all I need is an iPhone
  4. A PDA or other smart phone should do the trick too But iPhone is the coolest of course, posting with it now
  5. This is awesome Remy!! Now I'll be able to use the site more efficiently when my sister is on the computer!
  6. Works great and looks great! Awesome job as usual
  7. Remy, have you jailbroken your iPhone by any chance?

    This is pretty cool if I don't say so myself.
  8. Hell that's cool
    Need a new phone anyway, know what I'm going for now
  9. Works great on N95 !!! (including the youtube clips )
    Amazing !

  10. Yep I have I don't want any limitations.