Bono at Keep Memory Alive 2013

Show: 2013-04-13 - Las Vegas
Beschreibung: Singer Bono of U2 performs during the 17th annual Keep Memory Alive "Power of Love Gala" benefit for the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health celebrating the 80th birthdays of Quincy Jones and Sir Michael Caine on April 13, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (April 12, 2013 - Source: Isaac Brekken/Getty Images North America)
Bandmitglieder : Bono
Aufrufe: 1880
U2 Ära: On the horizon (2008-2011)
Hochgeladen von: Nataly
Bildgröße: 683 x 1024 pixels
Dateigrösse: 140.71 kb

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