2005-09-16 - Toronto, Ontario - Air Canada Centre

şarkı listesi

Performance notes: Daniel Lanois plays One with U2. Bono phones BB King before Yahweh to wish him a happy 80th birthday and the crowd sings happy birthday to him. A local band named Menew joins U2 for Out Of Control. The Ocean reappears after missing the entire European leg of the tour; it was last played on 26 May 2005.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (8)
  2. Boy (3)
  3. The Joshua Tree (3)
  4. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  5. War (2)
  6. Achtung Baby (2)
  7. Passengers (1)
  8. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

Hangi gösterilere gittiğinizi ve hangi gösterilere gideceğinizi bilmek isteriz. Bu sayfada hangi üyelerin bu gösteriye gittiğini veya gideceğini görebilirsiniz. Buradan bazı üyelere gösteriyle ilgili konuşmak veya görüşmek için özel mesaj atabilirsiniz.

katılanları göster: 16

Canada dan/den 11 kullanıcı:
AMLBONO, Bono77, Laracious, RUMMY, U2Newfie77, blackwidow, gener4, mysteriousdays, rgomes, u2wanderer1, zootvca

New York den/dan 2: Barry8, u2expert
Hong Kong den/dan 1: anitaanita
United Kingdom den/dan 1: Wildhoney
Germany den/dan 1: VanHimmel

yorumu yapan madzia

3 yıl önce


band i love them may their style they play live i love their songs I like Larry the most


I didn't listen to the recording, it's a pity that there is not the entire recording of this concert for only 2 or 3 short videos, I would like the entire recording of this concert


I think this concert was fun as always


I was not at this concert but I was in Poland for that and in America I have never been to a U2 concert

tüm yorumlar

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madzia Devamını oku

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  1. Bono