2018-10-03 - Hamburg, Germany - Barclaycard Arena


Observações da performance : Tour debut of Zoo Station.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

músicas por álbum

  1. Songs Of Experience (8)
  2. Achtung Baby (5)
  3. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  4. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  5. Boy (1)
  6. Zooropa (1)
  7. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
  8. War (1)

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pessoas que estiveram nesse show: 66

43 usuários de Germany:
AchtungBaby1989, Basti88, BloodOnTheRooftops, Bluezifer72, Bonolina, CElevate, Eichhas, JJF360, Jan_Dub72, JoeyBurns, Joshuatree2017, MaikU2, MalteOD, Mona_Lizard, OliverU, Oskar0025, Smooney14, TheFly1987, angelfish23, atlan001, aviefhues, bearfoot, blueskies, bonavoxa, catdog, chris_rde, dlsnitch25, flowerchild, hannes269, hardti, held_der_arbeit, johnny_e, lizzard, loftarasa, luze, metalairplane, nolo68, playboy512, steffi_ca, tuf_1974, u2bellydancer, u2makesbono, zoogaloo

5 de Netherlands: Kubel, eladanelf, fv45pfap, phofstee, ver2go
2 de Brazil: erickleandro, fmruivo
2 de United Kingdom: Turkued, harmyg
1 de Turkey: soarioglu
1 de Italy: flyingkite
1 de Australia: mofothethird
1 de Puerto Rico: myszor89
1 de Finland: JPM68SPECIAL
1 de Washington: DJSoulless
1 de Texas: Filly_di
1 de Malaysia: gurazuru
1 de Poland: Xylomyloto
1 de Spain: Forrest
1 de Austria: U2tapecollector
1 de Mexico: GuilleBriseno
1 de France: frededge

revisão por jennagirl

5 anos atrás


The band put on a great show. They were relaxed and clearly having fun. Bono's voice was really good and strong, filling the entire stadium. And you could really hear /feel/see the power of Larry's drumming. They seemed full of energy, and happy to be there. Adam engaged a lot with the crowd in particular and Larry smiled at least once!


It is a good recording, just a bit low in volume. I am very thankful to the taper for it!
Gravação: "AT853 - SONY PCM M10" - 3.5 estrelas


The audience was the most energetic of the 3 shows I attended on this trip (Hamburg 1,2 and Amsterdam 2). They seemed happy to have the band back after 33 years.


This was a special night in Hamburg. The band and audience were in great form, with the changes to the setlist it seems bringing new life and energy to the shows. I travelled far to combine vacation and U2 and was so happy to have the new songs - it really felt like a new show for me. I arrived just after 4 pm to the general GA line and ended up by the rail on the e stage. It is incredible how close the band is from that spot and how intimate the show feels.

The band really seemed to enjoy themselves. The outro to Wild Horses was epic, and they left the screen up for the whole song (they brought it down at the end in the next shows) so we could see it all. Even Larry had fun with that.

There were many highlights but the true standouts for me were Wild Horses, Stay, Zoo Station, Summer of Love (just beautiful), Acrobat...in fact the whole set on the e stage was a standout. The new songs are also great live and it was nice to hear so many. I also really like the ending with 13, I find it very emotional. If I have one criticism it is that the show seems a bit short. Another 1 or 2 songs in the encore would be just right.

I am so happy I had a chance to see this great show in the beautiful city of Hamburg.

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  • Downloads do show: 472


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"AT853 - SONY PCM M10"

  • Origens: Audience microphone
  • Créditos: BigGiRL (Uploader), popmarter (Audio Taper)
  • Equipamento: AT853 (Microphone), Sony PCM-M10 (Audio recording device), Naiant IPA (Pre-amp)
  • Linhagem: [digital master @24/48] > .wav > USB > Wavelab 6 > CDwave > TLH > .flac > [U2Start: Adobe Audition CC > .wav (16/48) > fre:ac > mp3]
  • Qualidade baseada nas resenhas:
  • Downloads: 472
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áudio / MP3

Bit rate: 256, bit depth: 16, nota da amostra: 48000, canais: 2
Download via Mega.nz
Exemplos de áudio

Audience microphone

  • Origens: Audience microphone
  • Créditos: ollideta (Audio Taper)
  • Equipamento: OKM-IIr (Microphone), Zoom H1 (Audio recording device), A3 Adapter (Audio interface)
  • Linhagem: OKM II Rock -> A3 -> Zoom H1 [24/96] -> 32GB micro SD memory card -> pc
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Fotos por iinchicore (51)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 5 anos atrás | direitos de autor: Creative Commons
  1. U2 in Hamburg
  2. U2 in Hamburg
  3. U2 in Hamburg

Fotos por J.D. Davidson (20)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 5 anos atrás | direitos de autor: Creative Commons
  1. Dallas in Hamburg
  2. Dallas in Hamburg
  3. U2 Hamburg

Fotos por Ross Andrew Stuart (4)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 5 anos atrás
  1. U2 in Hamburg
  2. U2 in Hamburg
  3. U2 in Hamburg