1981-03-31 - Austin, Texas - The Club Foot


Notas de la actuación: Incomplete setlist. In the lead-up to the show there are rumours it may be cancelled as the band members are not of legal drinking age in Texas.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canciones por album

  1. Boy (3)

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  1. U2 at The Club Foot
  2. U2 at The Club Foot
  3. U2 at The Club Foot
  4. U2 at The Club Foot
  5. U2 at The Club Foot
  6. U2 at The Club Foot
  7. U2 at The Club Foot
  8. U2 at The Club Foot
  9. U2 at The Club Foot
  10. U2 at The Club Foot
  11. U2 at The Club Foot