2015-05-22 - Phoenix
Tournée: Innocence and Experience tour
Morceaux joués: 27
Enregistrement audio: 5
Vidéos: 1
  1. Some info: the band doesn't have plans dor a B stage for smaller places
  2. https://twitter.com/bfloxng69

    my friend kevin is going to try and periscope from the floor, can someone post the periscope link - I don't have the app , I watch on Firefox
  3. Sil Rigote already singing to the PA songs...
  4. Tour debut of Gloria tonight
  5. That guy is standing 5 feet behind my friend kevin!
  6. Oh. People Have The Power straight into Joey Ramone tonight, apparently. We're off.
  7. We're off! The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)
  8. Joey Ramone is in the house
  9. pleaaaaaase U2, give me some old stuff