1989-12-30 - Dublin
Trasa: Lovetown
Wykonane utwory: 22
Nagrania audio: 3
  1. She loves you yeah yeah yeah. One of my favourite Vertigo snippets.
  2. It's on!
  3. Heads up: Bullet in the soundboard is really fucked up, so we're switching to another source for this song only.
  4. Good evening !! Just in from work. quick shower & I'll be back !!
  5. Care to share a smoke, Adam?
  6. Back to soundboard now.
  7. This is why I prefer RTSS in the 80's
  8. A solid 8.9/10 on the satisfying harmonica scale.
  9. Incredible song. Still ZooTV is better.
  10. i prefer larry's dirty old time version