1997-09-23 - Sarajevo
Trasa: Popmart
Wykonane utwory: 25
Nagrania audio: 3
Filmy: 1
  1. Oh, oh my love
  2. Brave to go for Unchained Melody under the circumstances.
  3. He nails it

  4. How looooong til we have another liveshow
  5. I'm thinking about listening to Lovetown next. I'll broadcast 1989-12-31 via my Mixlr (to my multimediapc connected to the soundsystem, so i'll be able to sit with my laptop on my comfy couch) If anybody feels like joining, we could start a topic on it
  6. Thanks for hosting Remy, enjoyed it a lot!

  7. This has been great though. 40 years. Wow. Just wow.

    I can remember when the Rolling Stones had their 25th Anniversary, and I thought they were ancient then. We got years of this left good health and fortune prevailing.

    Thanks for stream really enjoyed it :-)
  8. Great to be here with you guys.