2017-06-03 - Chicago
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Wykonane utwory: 23
Nagrania audio: 1
Filmy: 2
  1. I second that...really hope for ASOH tonight or tomorrow! Any other word on what they ran through last night? This is the first I heard they were at Soldier Field last night. Any word on sound checks today? I know it's early but probably in a few hours.

  2. I was at both Coldplay shows last year. The Saturday show was delayed due to rain so the opening acts did not go on. Coldplay went on around 9pm and played a full set until the lightening started. They were told to stop by Soldier Field due to the weather. They were able to squeeze one more song "A sky full of stars". It was pulled in a down pour...like singing in the shower. The Sunday show was also delayed due to inclement weather. The opening acts were canceled again that night but Coldplay was able to play a full set.
  3. Willie Williams, regarding ASOH

  4. "...but, rather inconveniently, a different group of people comes to see the show each night"

    Oh, Willie.
  5. I think the week off will have energised the guys and I think chicago is going to be on another level , especially nite 2
  6. Originally posted by iTim:"...but, rather inconveniently, a different group of people comes to see the show each night"

    Oh, Willie.
    :') Well done
  7. What time UK time will u2 hit the stage ?
  8. u2 are usually on time unless there is something going on, like some of the audience not being there yet due to scanning issues etc...
  9. Tonight, they will play Gone