2017-06-16 - Louisville
Gira: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Canciones tocadas: 22
Grabaciones de audio: 1
  1. yeah... but have fun! Need a lot of water and some lid on the head

    for mods:
    Btw. there is old countdown at the top of page (still Tampa)
  2. Originally posted by Alvin:[..]
    yeah... but have fun! Need a lot of water and some lid on the head

    for mods:
    Btw. there is old countdown at the top of page (still Tampa)
    Got my hat on and two bottles
  3. Yep stay cool supposed to be in 90, s today! If you could keep us updated(pictures) I want to know how long GA line is unfortunately my hotel check in not till 2pm my plan is to then head on over to GA line around 3pm !!!!
  4. Originally posted by ew6655:[..]
    Yep stay cool supposed to be in 90, s today! If you could keep us updated(pictures) I want to know how long GA line is unfortunately my hotel check in not till 2pm my plan is to then head on over to GA line around 3pm !!!!
    About 100! Waiting in line now.
  5. Thanx ! You awesome!!
  6. Band will arrive at 5pm. Very late no? I was almost sure we would get ASOH tonight for Dallas but now I'm not so sure.
  7. wow! Great photos welsh edge it does look steep !!!
    Thanx ! For posting!!!
  8. It would be awesome to be on top tier during elevation it must be 200 -300 feet high !!!! Amazing!!!!
  9. I know what you mean but that top tier scares the life out of me, and I'm not actually too bad with heights. I think I'd spend the show glued to my seat lol.
  10. I'm glad I'm on floor!!!