2017-07-08 - London
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Wykonane utwory: 25
Nagrania audio: 4
Filmy: 1
  1. Will be at London on the Saturday.. Are you doing pre or post show interviews again Remy? Would be more than happy to take part again if asked.
  2. Only 2 more weeks ?
  3. The times flew in from purchasing tickets til now but it's getting to the stage where things start to drag a bit and all I can think about is show night. Got tickets for 1st night and literally can't wait. Still can't believe I'm getting to see some songs that I genuinly didn't think I ever would.
  4. Anybody around on the Friday fancy going for a beer or two?
  5. Here we go!
  6. A good time to re-post this:

    Still looking to trade two of my London 1 GA for two of your London 1 seats. Price bracket £78 if possible, will consider £35 if you pay the difference. Will trade on the day or on the Friday if you're in town.
  7. still waiting for my G.A. collectors ticket for the Saturday to arrive, had my seated tickets for the sunday show for ages.
  8. Originally posted by CraigFairlie:Will be at London on the Saturday.. Are you doing pre or post show interviews again Remy? Would be more than happy to take part again if asked.
    Likewise, i'll definitely be up for a pre show interview!
  9. Going GA on the Saturday..taking my old school buddy of 37 years along..which will be his is first U2 show!