2017-09-10 - Indianapolis
Gira: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Canciones tocadas: 22
Grabaciones de audio: 1
  1. Originally posted by Hoosier2012:[..]
    Oh shit, you were the guy jumping over by the middle of the tree stage? Who Bono sang like half of...Elevation, right?...to? (Or was it Vertigo?)
    Hahahaha it was a lot of Vertigo and some Elevation
  2. I really appreciate all the kind words as I'm humbled to be given the chance to see the band and interact with the band like this. I think a lot of times people see a young kid in line and think that he/she doesn't know U2. But it literally is my favorite band and one of the most important things in my life; listening to great music.
    To be given the chance to see them perform now 3 times this tour and to be able to hear the Joshua Tree front to back is incredible. I may not have been around in 87 but my father was so it's so cool for it to be passed down from him to me. It's like everything came full circle in the coolest way. I love hearing my dad tell stories from his JT concert days. And now I get to show him all the pictures and videos of me.
    So when I walk away from this tour I'm just left humbled to have had the chance to hear this amazing music. All the interactions with the band aside even, these shows have been just incredible to be apart of. I'm still at a loss of words so forgive me for maybe rambling a bit but I think it's important to speak from the heart after a concert like that. Again thank you very much for all the nice things it really makes me happy
  3. Of course. Glad you were able to make it and really help charge Bono up last night--I think he took your energy and spread it to everyone else from on stage. Glad you're a fan. Hope to meet you at a show in the future!
  4. Originally posted by guykirk9:[..]
    I really appreciate all the kind words as I'm humbled to be given the chance to see the band and interact with the band like this. I think a lot of times people see a young kid in line and think that he/she doesn't know U2. But it literally is my favorite band and one of the most important things in my life; listening to great music.
    To be given the chance to see them perform now 3 times this tour and to be able to hear the Joshua Tree front to back is incredible. I may not have been around in 87 but my father was so it's so cool for it to be passed down from him to me. It's like everything came full circle in the coolest way. I love hearing my dad tell stories from his JT concert days. And now I get to show him all the pictures and videos of me.
    So when I walk away from this tour I'm just left humbled to have had the chance to hear this amazing music. All the interactions with the band aside even, these shows have been just incredible to be apart of. I'm still at a loss of words so forgive me for maybe rambling a bit but I think it's important to speak from the heart after a concert like that. Again thank you very much for all the nice things it really makes me happy
    Cool man your livi'n the U2 dream!!! Indianapolis JT2017 show was the BEST !!!!
  5. WOW!! This is amazing! Your enthusiasm is a great read. I can relate to you feeling like a young kid at U2 shows (I'm 26 but look younger) as I am also a die-hard fan from an early age.
  6. GuyKirk9 and the Shadowman!

  7. This picture is much better. It's a live photo so you can't see me get his hand on here but it's something else!
  8. Damn I'm so jealous. To come that close to a our hero.
  9. I don't own any hat but I'm going to purchase one at Amazon so I can take it off to you.