2017-09-10 - Indianapolis
Тур: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Песен исполнено: 22
аудиозаписи: 1
  1. Oh that's so awesome I'm so happy. I was walking back after I got my bracelet and realized they were like 25 in line when they should be 230. I told everyone like just so you are aware these people cut you, so I'm glad I started a chain reaction resulting in them getting put in the back. Now bring on the show!
  2. Originally posted by guykirk9:[..]
    Oh that's so awesome I'm so happy. I was walking back after I got my bracelet and realized they were like 25 in line when they should be 230. I told everyone like just so you are aware these people cut you, so I'm glad I started a chain reaction resulting in them getting put in the back. Now bring on the show!
    Thank you!

    Also, I've been talking about U2Start today. The should pick up when I'm wearing the shirt later, too.
  3. Cool! Which shirt will you be wearing?
  4. Big day for Indianapolis today ! Starting to feel the adrenaline rush already!
  5. I have a feeling stadium going to be packed tonight ! 70 thousand people! Going to be crazy!
  6. Nicee, nothing better than a big crowd
  7. Oh man, I wish I could still be in Indy. This is going to be a great show.
  8. Wish you could have came Cesar!!! Hopefully they give you guys at home a different setlist
  9. Yeah hoping you Cesar get best U2 show ever wherever you are!!!
  10. I heard rumors stadium roof will be open tonight ? I was hoping it's closed for an arena sound experience!!!