2018-05-02 - Tulsa
Turne: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 29
Ses kayıtları: 1
Videolar: 1
  1. I bet I have a good time at the concert.
  2. To my fellow forum members:

    This comment was obviously in jest, just kidding. I thought the Google reference should have given it away but I see it didn't - not my fault though Sorry if this joke offended someone. I myself live in pretty unknown villages due to life being cheaper and higher quality than in the bigger cities, and I'm pretty used to my friends and family referring to my villages as "Mordor" or "Narnia", it never offended me, so I kind of assumed it wouldn't offend anybody if I joked with Tulsa.
  3. In the UK we take the piss out of rural people from places such as Norwich or the Hebrides joking about webbed fingers and cross breeeding etc, though it's just banter.
    In the same way Canadians mock those from New Foundland .
    I wonder does Tulsa and indeed Oklahoma get a similar view in the US. Not that they do much humour over there
  4. Originally posted by Timk68:In the UK we take the piss out of rural people from places such as Norwich or the Hebrides joking about webbed fingers and cross breeeding etc, though it's just banter.
    In the same way Canadians mock those from New Foundland .
    I wonder does Tulsa and indeed Oklahoma get a similar view in the US. Not that they do much humour over there
    to be honest Oklahoma doesn't mocked hardly ever. Just never a state people really talk about in a bad way unless you are from Texas or something.
  5. Wonder if Edge will fall off stage again on opening night ?
    Generally the opening night is a bit error ridden - Barcelona springs to mind on 360
  6. Now that rehearsals have started and we closed the opening night setlist predictions, this should be our new contest
  7. Originally posted by guykirk9:[..]
    to be honest Oklahoma doesn't mocked hardly ever. Just never a state people really talk about in a bad way unless you are from Texas or something.
    Teachers have to work at Walmarts on weekends just to make a living in Oklahoma. That is bad enough.
  8. Did you know it's been illegal to get a tattoo in Tulsa since 1963
  9. Maybe they'll ban Larry and the opening of the tour will be with Chris Martin on drums.