2018-05-26 - Nashville
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Liedjes gespeeld: 26
Audio opnames: 2

  1. The Experience and Innocence tour will hit Nashville, Tennessee.
    This topic is for all discussions pre, during and post-show!

    2018-05-26 - Nashville, Tennessee - Bridgestone Arena

    Will you be at any of the E+I shows? Click on the date, and then add yourself to the list of attendees.

    Other relevant topics
    We have a topic dedicated to the tour in general, with spoilers.
    And a general tour topic, spoiler free.
  2. Hai Remy

    Do you know in which hotel the band is staying in in Nashville?


  3. No. They might not even stay in Nashville, just keep an eye on local news
  4. How's GA line looking ? Any "lone wolves"
    Disgusting term from Facebook admin
  5. Tofay I saw 4 or 5 diehards at the venue..
    Some 125 persons already registered for GA.

    I am from the netherlands but have seats (102), close by e-stage
  6. Hey what's a lone wolves? That's how I lead me life.