2018-09-16 - Lisbon
Turne: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 25
Ses kayıtları: 0
Videolar: 1
  1. Did they soundcheck today?
  2. All Because of You tonight?
  3. yes
  4. Third time, I still love it. I shouldn't but I do.
  5. Yesssss got here in time for Iris
  6. Hildegard Mathies
    ”Yesterday we met the most inspirational audience of this tour.” BONO at #U2Lisboa2 on #U2Lisboa1 We could hear that… we could feel that… ???? #U2 #U2eiTour #U2Lisbon
  7. Is there a way to download Doris mixlr of Lisbon1?
  8. Pride.
  9. Is there time-difference with Holland in Lisbon (ignorant me... ) or did they start late?
  10. I think both, there is a time difference and they did start later closer to 9 pm Lisbon time.
  11. Crap version of Pride.

    I have various issues with the tour but this version of New Years Day is ace.
  12. I have to agree..... I was really burned out on NYD.... but this version on this tour is pretty good.