2019-12-11 - Manila
Tournée: Joshua Tree Tour 2019
Morceaux joués: 26
Enregistrement audio: 1
  1. People were convinced this show would be half empty, like it was for GnR. Glad that wasn’t the case!

  2. Completely full isn’t it or are the back rows tapered off ? Or is that just the back wall of the arena painted red
  3. So Bono said that it was there 2,050 th show? Is this true?

    Where was U2gigs on this one.
  4. Originally posted by wbarenno:[..]

    Completely full isn’t it or are the back rows tapered off ? Or is that just the back wall of the arena painted red
    I think that’s some kind of red banner or something, don’t think it’s blocking any seats. I see a black curtain blocking one section in the top corner. Could be to hide empty seats, or just because of poor sight lines.

    Excited to see the official numbers, but I think we can say this tour has been quite the success. Yes Auckland 2 had some issues, and Melbourne 2 didn’t happen because they were playing it safe, but they still have nothing to complain about. I still say Melbourne 2 could’ve pulled in a respectable enough crowd, even if the capacity is around 60,000.
  5. Amazing Concert. The Band is in Top Shape. Huge crowd.
  6. It does seem the band are really starting to hit their stride... shame that the tour is nearly over

  7. Of course yes. I was referring to the form. An arena is like a small stadium. An auditorium is something bigger than a theater. or at least I understood that.
  8. although the fact that the screen eats half the Arena can be a waste of space and tickets that were not sold.