1993-11-27 - Sydney
Trasa: ZOO TV
Wykonane utwory: 23
Nagrania audio: 1
  1. Originally posted by ddarroch:[..]

    Yeah, I wouldn't have even bothered subscribing last year, as it's easy enough to get tickets for stadium shows. But I was going to Japan, & the order of GA entry in Japan is based on the order that tickets were purchased. So the presale code was certainly worth the cost in that case.

    I'd love to know how many subscribers they lose in non-tour years. I'd expect it's quite substantial. Stemming that loss would be nice, though more exclusive content may not be enough to do this. Maybe it wouldn't add up financially to spend time & money editing & streaming more concert footage. Would be a nice gesture though, in these strange times of self-isolation. Wouldn't cost the band any time, maybe some money. More likely it'd cost Live Nation some money, that would be a major problem

    Would love to see some pro shot footage of the Roxy & Apollo shows.
    To your point about costs etc., it frustrates me to think how much more content other bands release (live releases etc) that are in a SUBSTANTIALLY worse off financial position than U2.
  2. I posted something on Zootopia (u2.com) to ask the mods if they can get in contact with u2's management team if we all wrote/signed a letter stating why subscribers could/should be getting better content. A few people have agreed with me but so far the mods haven't replied.
  3. Originally posted by SJKamal:I posted something on Zootopia (u2.com) to ask the mods if they can get in contact with u2's management team if we all wrote/signed a letter stating why subscribers could/should be getting better content. A few people have agreed with me but so far the mods haven't replied.
    Yeah the mods won’t say anything they’ll not want to upset anyone at u2.com. My comments are all moderated now since I pointed out the fact that people will download the Berlin show even though they told people not to and that they should be offering a download with the subscriber gift anyway as it only cost £17.99 for a brand new film on blu Ray with an hd digital download on Sky so well within the subscription fee. Apparently it was spam and not good to talk about piracy, I wasn’t offering any links didn’t actually tell people what to do or even that they should do it but just for merely mentioning it along with my complaints I’m now moderated in there. I was surprised my comment the other day to back you up SJ was given the all clear, suggesting the 30 second live videos were full songs instead. So yeah don’t expect anything from the mods they’re obviously cut from the same cloth as the rest of the u2.com organisation.
  4. Originally posted by zbych:[..]

    As much as I love them I can’t stand the “releases” policy specially in last decade (post McGuiness)

    THIS. I don't doubt there's a correlation to the turnover from McGuiness to Guy
  5. To be honest their fanclub gifts have never been out of this world regardless of the manager. Remember the U2com membership metal plate?

  6. For me U22 and From the ground up were...
  7. Zoo TV Sydney actually was their first (almost) complete show release ever. 14 years after they started! How did U2 fans ever survive that? Maybe they weren't so spoilt yet. People in general maybe weren't too spoilt yet.
  8. Originally posted by Ricku2:[..]
    Zoo TV Sydney actually was their first (almost) complete show release ever. 14 years after they started! How did U2 fans ever survive that? Maybe they weren't so spoilt yet. People in general maybe weren't too spoilt yet.
    U2 Live at Red Rocks was released on VHS in 1984.
  9. Originally posted by Ricku2:[..]
    Zoo TV Sydney actually was their first (almost) complete show release ever. 14 years after they started! How did U2 fans ever survive that? Maybe they weren't so spoilt yet. People in general maybe weren't too spoilt yet.
    How much did you pay for your u2 subscription back then? Between tv and radio broadcasts it seems like people got a lot more then for nothing compared to now. Wide awake in America, under a blood red sky (video and cd), Rattle and Hum (video and cd) were all also released and seemingly easily available before zoo tv. Seems like you were all spoilt back then.
  10. they are still available.. back then, those broadcasts were very hard to get.. there was no internet radio, no digital storage.. you could only tape the local broadcast.. luckily many of these great broadcasts and soundboards surfaced, so now you can go to u2start or u2t and download them or watch on youtube... very easy, probably too easy.
    After '93 we got a lot of broadcasts and leaked proshots on PopMart , Elevation had 2 dvd's, a webcast and Irving Plaza... Vertigo had London radio broadcast, 1,5 dvd's and a couple of tv broadcasts at the end... 360 had at least 3 radio broadcasts, Rose Bowl and Glastonbury... I&E 3 shows in Full HD... and Experience even a 4k release for the 'lucky ones'.
    So yeah, comparing to the 80's we have nothing to complain when it comes to available live shows. Maybe you can say it's all despite U2, but they tolerate a lot of what fans are doing with for example their taping and youtube policies. And now you are using that youtube policy against them.