2015-06-24 - Chicago
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Canzoni suonate: 25
Registrazioni audio: 5
Video: 1
  1. I feel like staying awake to be part of this show's setlist party again....after the opening night in Vancouver, which was a blast
  2. You're more than welcome, Kirsten
  3. ...OK...see you then! (I really should check-in for a 3 hour power nap )
  4. cheers, Tim
    I'm really tempted to stay up until then..... oh, just saw there are a few premium seats on sale again for Berlin 3, which is the show I still seek a seat for.... .temptimg.... but so expensive..... gnah..... but hey, let's stick to Chicago here now lol
  5. Headed to the show!!

    Follow u2start on snapchat for updates!
  6. Ooooh, you have (access to) the twitter and Snapchat accounts for the night. Excellent.
  7. Enjoy the show, Matt!
  8. WOWY should be fun.