2017-05-23 - Hollywood
Tour: Various Dates
Liedjes gespeeld: 3
Audio opnames: 1
Video's: 2
  1. Is the show recorded before it goes to air? Hopefully we hear some whispers before.
  2. I bet they play BD and RHMT. Give someone a link where I can watch this tomorrow after work.
  3. I'm predicting in gods country and RHMT.
  4. exit
  5. i'm predicting the WOWY and the new song
  6. Although... in light of last nights tragedy, they may go with SBS...
  7. We can have a completely different song because of what happened in Manchester. Maybe MLK.
  8. For a variety show, they will choose a less "confrontational" song and more like a tribute to the victims.
  9. you may be right... good point.