2019-12-08 - Seoul
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2019
Liedjes gespeeld: 25
Audio opnames: 3
Video's: 1
  1. I might be wrong, after looking around. Could have sworn I saw a slapped together multicam but only seeing single cams.
  2. @horserama This is awesome. Thank you. You can tell the work that's gone into it. This was only my seond U2 show after a lifetime of being a huge fan. It's amazing to have a quality souvenir of the night like this. Hats off to you, cheers!

    Probably being greedy but I'd LOVE a multi cam of this.
  3. Hoserama....once again, you've proven yourself to be legendary. Your recordings will go down in history as some of the very best in history. Your recordings rank up there as legendary as the Dublin 93 Boot by Sharebear
  4. Thank you so so much for an amazing Christmas gift.
  5. @Horserama: Thank you very much for this wonderful gift. These are difficult times for many of us, so this is a welcome 'distraction', two hours of joy.
  6. Originally posted by scottwong:Hoserama....once again, you've proven yourself to be legendary. Your recordings will go down in history as some of the very best in history. Your recordings rank up there as legendary as the Dublin 93 Boot by Sharebear
    Do you realize that hoserama and sharebear are both the same person?
  7. Originally posted by Salsamuffin204:@horserama This is awesome. Thank you. You can tell the work that's gone into it. This was only my seond U2 show after a lifetime of being a huge fan. It's amazing to have a quality souvenir of the night like this. Hats off to you, cheers!

    Probably being greedy but I'd LOVE a multi cam of this.
    Start collecting the video (not YT rips but try to get the original files) and start editing!
  8. Would it be easy to do a multicam to a standard just for personal use? Well not easy but very possible at least for a beginner. And is there free software available to do it?
  9. Originally posted by deanallison:Would it be easy to do a multicam to a standard just for personal use? Well not easy but very possible at least for a beginner. And is there free software available to do it?
    Yes and Yes. As you're on Mac now I would look at Quicktime real player or iMovie (probably better to use). I was going to use iMovie for when we eventually make the Singapore project.
  10. Originally posted by SJKamal:[..]
    Yes and Yes. As you're on Mac now I would look at Quicktime real player or iMovie (probably better to use). I was going to use iMovie for when we eventually make the Singapore project.
    I’ll check them out cheers, I should have mentioned to you before when we were discussing the Singapore project.
  11. Just get a bootleg version of Sony Vegas