1992-05-22 - Milan
Turnê: ZOO TV
Músicas tocadas: 22
Gravações de áudio: 2
Vídeos: 2
  1. Bad snippet
  2. Mysterious Ways...

    Slide solo...

  3. Mysterious Ways has never been as good as on ZooTV.
  4. Burning down the house!!!

  5. belly dancer time
  6. This performance really is something else. It's been too long since I listened to this.
  7. Love to love you baby

  8. Love to love you baby.

    Oh I am goosebumping. First time in a while.
  9. Love To Love You Baby!
  10. Probably best crowd ever in a U2 concert (with Glasgow 2 1984)
  11. This is a great song. Tell the current U2 about it.